
Система Orphus
From Issa, Alexander marched south into Syria and Phoenicia, capturing coastal cities in order to isolate, to deprive the Persian fleet of its bases and then eliminate this serious fighting force.Phoenician city of Arad and Marafie quietly surrendered and was sent forward Parmenio to avoid missing a rich mining in Damascus, where he kept part of the treasures of Darius, intended for warfare, the so-called war chest. In response to the letter of Darius, where he offered the world and part of Persia, Alexander replied arrogantly, listing all the past troubles of Greece and demanding unconditional surrender to him as lord of Asia. Taking the city of Byblos and Sidon, he was stuck in the island city of Tyre, which closed its gates in front of him. To take it, he applied methods of siege afloat, but tiriytsy resisted, holding out for seven months. Meanwhile (in the winter, the 333/332), the Persians launched a series of counterattacks on land in Asia Minor, but were defeated by Antigonus, the commander of Alexander the Great and the governor of Phrygia. So this the Greeks and the sea, where they regained the number of towns and islands. 
While the continued siege of Tyre, Darius sent a letter to the new proposal: he will pay a huge ransom in quire thousands of talents for his family and cede all their lands to Alexander to the west of the Euphrates. They say Parmenio said: "I would agree, if I were Alexander. "I would, too, - followed by the famous reply of Alexander, - whether I Parmenio. Assault Tyre in July 332 years was the great achievement of Alexander's, followed him a great slaughter and sale of the remaining residents, mostly women and children into slavery. Leaving Parmenio in Syria, Alexander moved to the north, encountering no resistance, until he came to Gaza. It stood on a high hill. Fierce resistance delayed it here for two months, and during enemy attacks, he was seriously wounded in the shoulder. 
In November 332, he came to Egypt. The people greeted him as a liberator, and the Persian satrap Mazak chose to surrender. In Memphis, Alexander offered a sacrifice the sacred bull Apis Egyptians and was crowned the traditional double crown of the pharaohs, as a result of local priests were placated and their religion was supported by the authorities of the Macedonian king. He spent the winter, dealing with administrative systems of Egypt, appointing provincial governors from the local nobility, but holding, the army troops in towns in constant readiness under the command of the devotees of the Macedonians. He founded the city of Alexandria at the mouth of the western branch of the Nile, and sent an expedition to the headwaters of the river, to ascertain the reasons for a permanent summer flood of the Nile. From Alexandria he went to Paretoniyu, and from there with a small party to visit Siutsky oasis, where the famous oracle of the god Amon. The priests of Amun were met by Alexander the traditional greeting, like Pharaoh, the son of Amun. Alexander asked the prophet a number of questions about the success of his campaign, but received no answer to any one of them. However, it still used the visit with great advantage. Later, this incident contributed to the history that he was recognized as the son of Zeus, and thus his "deification." In the spring of 331, he returned to Tyre, appointed governor of Syria noble Macedonian Asklepiodora and prepared to speak into the Persian empire in Mesopotamia. With the conquest of Egypt, its authority throughout the eastern Mediterranean coast is nothing more threatening, she was full.