Death of Alexander there was a sudden, during a stop in Babylon before the new campaign. In one version of king of the body, weakened by daily bouts of malaria, could not resist once the two diseases, the second disease was either pneumonia or malaria, caused by a fast-flowing leukemia (leukemia).According to another version, Alexander became ill West Nile fever. There were also versions of the poisoning of the king Antipater, whom Alexander was going to shift from his post as governor of Macedonia, but no evidence of this has not appeared.
Alexander the Great redraw the world map, and after his death the empire of Alexander were separated on the specific state of his military commanders, called Photiki. Hellenistic world had entered a period of war Photiki, which ended with the death of the last of the "heirs" in 281 BC.Oe.
On the Macedonian throne Photiki erected half-brother Alexander, Arrhidaeus, who became a puppet-king under the name of Philip III. A month after the death of Alexander's wife Roxane gave birth to a son, also named Alexander, who became a formal co-regent Arrid. Due to the great glory of the father among the Macedonians of Alexander was killed in the age of 14 with her mother. At the same time killed and Heracles, an illegitimate son of Alexander's concubine Barsiny. Even earlier, were killed Arrid and the Olympics, the mother of Alexander the Great.
Photiki Ptolemy captured the embalmed body of Alexander the Great, brought him in 322 BC.Oe. in Memphis, then in Alexandria, Egypt, where he built for his tomb.
After 300 years, the body of Alexander touched the 1 st Roman emperor Octavian, awkward movement breaking off the nose from mummy. The last mention of the mummy of Alexander the Great provides a hike in the description of the Roman Emperor Caracalla in Alexandria in 210-s.Caracalla put his tunic and a ring on the tomb of the great conqueror. Since then, the news of the fate of the missing mummy.